How can I contact your Team?
Contact us at info@ptalkie.com
How many countries does the power talkie can be shipped to?
We are offering global shipping to all backers.
Can I claim multiple perks?
Yes, you can claim as many perks as you'd like.
How do I claim a perk?
Click “Get This Perk” and fill out the form to claim your perk.
What is the connection range for the Power Talkie?
The Power Talkie can connect to other Power Talkie over a range of up to 5-8km.
Does Power Talkie work with android and iOS phones?
Yes it does.
How long does the battery last?
The Power Talkie battery can last up to 7 days.
Can I use a walkie talkie with a Power Talkie?
No, you cannot use a Power Talkie with a walkie talkie.
Does Power Talkie work globally?
Yes, it does.
Do you offer warranty?
Yes, the Power Talkie will arrive with a 12-month warranty.
What is your refund/returns/ policy?
Refunds and Returns are processed on a case-by-case basis; at some point we will need to lock refunds in order to go into production & shipment. If you have further questions, please contact info@ptalkie.com.
Will you be providing tracking information for my perk?
We will be providing tracking numbers to our backers when we ship - however we may be limited by the tracking numbers we can provide if the local courier in your country/state will not provide the number.
What is the minimum amount of Power Talkie I need to establish my own network?
You will need 2 Power Talkie at a minimum to establish a connection network.
Why doesn't the Power Talkie function like a Walkie Talkie?
The Power Talkie can't be used as a Walkie Talkie due to technical reasons (to keep the network alive the device must focus on the output of the RF signal) and also due to it moving the Voice feature from the device to your smartphone so that a;; communication abilities are all on the same platform.
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